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Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools

The Aware Online Academy has written a number of OSINT scripts that allow you to search for online information more effectively. These custom scripts and links to other third-party OSINT tools can be found on the left side of this page.

Free of charge custom OSINT scripts
Links to OSINT tools of third parties
OSINT tutorials for safe and effective investigations

Using our OSINT tools

All custom OSINT tools can be used entirely free of charge. We do not actively monitor what information you type into our scripts. However, we use website analysis programs to make our website function as well as possible.

Of course, you can also type “fake information” into the tools and then modify the resulting URLs in your investigations. That way you can be sure that you do not leave any (sensitive) information on our website.

More information?

Do you have questions about our tools, tutorials and links? Please contact us.