Een overzicht van OSINT boeken
Ben je op zoek naar een goed OSINT boek? In het onderstaande overzicht tref je verschillende boeken aan op het gebied van Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT), Privacy, Hacking, Red Teaming, Blue Teaming, Brand Protection en Automatisering.
Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools: A Practical Guide To Online Intelligence
Nihad A. Hassan
Nowhere to hide: Open Source Intelligence Gathering – How the FBI, Media and Public used OSINT to Identify the January 6, 2021 Capitol Rioters
Daniel Farber Huang
The Internet Intelligence & Investigation Handbook: A Practical Guide to Internet Investigation
Steve Adams
The Open Source Intelligence Guide: How to Investigate Anyone or Anything on the Internet
Tom Caliendo
Custom Search – Discover More: A Complete Guide to Google Programmable Search Engines
Irina Shamaeva & David Galley
Open Source INTelligence (OSINT) – Investigar Personas e Identidades en Internet
Carlos Seisdedos & Vicente Aguilera
The Joy of Search: A Google Insider’s Guide to Going Beyond the Basics
Daniel M. Russell
OSINT, Google
Online Brand Protection: Proven Strategies for Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in a Constantly Changing Digital Age
Joshua Hopping
OSINT, Brand Protection
Automating Open Source Intelligence: Algorithms for OSINT (Computer Science, Reviews and Trends)
Robert Layton & Paul A. Watters
OSINT, Automation
Online Security for politicians: how not to get hacked (OSINT Book 2)
Mateusz Wójtowicz
OSINT, Privacy
Investigating Cryptocurrencies: Understanding, Extracting and Analyzing Blockchain Evidence
Nick Furneaux
OSINT, Crypto
Offensive Intelligence: 300 techniques, tools, and tips to know everything about everyone, in companies and elsewhere
Philippe Dylewski
OSINT, Red team
Hunting Cyber Criminals: A Hacker’s Guide to Online Intelligence Gathering Tools and Techniques
Vinny Troia
OSINT, Hacking
Hacking Web Intelligence: Open Source Intelligence and Web Reconnaissance Concepts and Techniques
Sudhanshu Chauhan
OSINT, Hacking
Down the Rabbit Hole an OSINT Journey: Open Source Intelligence Gathering for Penetration Testing
Chris Kubecka
OSINT, Hacking, Pentesting
Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life
Amy E. Herman
Intelligence, Psychology
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